Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

I am spending my May in Michigan. I experienced my first thunderstorm the night we arrived! The lightning was so loud it made the house shake! But so far the weather has been on our side. I was extremely happy that it was so warm today because the weather forecast predicted it would be rainy. Luke has been having a difficult time with the time change and so that means Kyle and I are up during the wee hours of the night. But my baby boy is sleeping soundly right now, it probably had to do with all the running he did outside today! I hope he stays asleep throughout the night!

It has been so nice staying here and spending time with Kyle's family. They are all so sweet to Luke. I wish we all lived closer. I love how slow time seems to be here too. The sun literally does not go down until 8:45 pm! I can see the sun coming up around 6, that's more than 12 hours of sunlight! I need light in my life because the dark does scary things to me! We have been going back and forth whether or not we should move here. I've come up with the pros and cons and honestly, the biggest con is that I will miss my family! Especially my Mom. I absolutely love the atmosphere here and how family oriented it is. I always knew I was made for a small town. We shall see where the wind takes us.

Now, on the topic of mother's. I love being a mother, but it is HARD. Hard is an understatement. It is by no means easy. Luke is almost 2 this coming July and I have no idea how we are keeping up with this child. It's always, "is he eating enough?", "why isn't he eating?", "no, don't put that in your mouth!", "stop hitting my face, Luke!", "can I just get an hour to myself?!". The last one, rarely happens because I am Luke's natural choice for everything: cuddling, carrying, playing, and his sleeping buddy (though more like a pillow). I love my little boy and his crazy, brave, thinks he can do anything and eat anything soul, and I would not have it any other way. All I want for him is to feel free and magical every day of his child hood. It's all happening so fast. People told me all the time how fast the time would go, I didn't imagine I'd be a cliche. Ha! I'm so happy and truly thankful that Kyle and I can watch our baby boy grow up everyday together, because I know it won't always be this way. Anyway, Happy Mother's Day to all mother's and mother figures. You are amazing. AMAZING.
 Now time for photos!
 Kyle's mom has some chickens in their back yard and Luke wanted to pet them so bad he chased them all over the place! Probably my favorite part of the trip so far!

 A tickle fight between brothers also broke out today!

 This is Carter, I love him! He is always so happy!

 Happy Mother's Day!

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